Achieve Emotional Quiet

During times of emotional upset, we are less likely to think clearly and more likely to turn to negative thinking habits. It is easier to manage our thoughts when our emotions are calm and quiet. Meditation has been found to be a valuable tool to gain better control over emotions.

With practice, you can learn to accept your emotions, soothe yourself, and quiet down. There are many forms of meditation…and don’t worry, you don’t have to meditate for long periods in order to benefit. The brief mediation videos below offer different avenues to achieving emotional quiet.

Breathe For Relaxation

Progressive Muscle Relaxation

Mindfulness Meditation

Rapid Relaxation

Guided Imagery: Ocean

Unguided Imagery: Ocean

Guided Imagery: Mountain Streams

Unguided Imagery: Mountain Streams

Guided Imagery: Animals

Unguided Imagery: Animals

Bedtime Relaxation